I must be too busy I am afraid. I knew that my story about Tasmania would be published in the Dutch magazine “Onderwatersport”, but I totally missed it. The March issue was on my desk when the May issue came in. I found the April issue, after some searching, in my unprocessed magazines pile.
Welcome to our brand new website
Our old website was, just old. It was meant as a temporary site, but we didn’t have the time to replace it. That time has come now. Welcome to the third version of www.elysia.nl, the website of photojournalist André Crone and his wife and text writer Eveline Crone de Brabander. You cannot imagine how much time it costs to create a new website, but we are happy with the result. We do appreciate feedback from you about our site.
I have the Duikvaker cover (again)
We do have an annual dive show here in the Netherlands. The edition of the diving magazines that is running during that show is the most important one of the year because of the extra exposure that it is getting. I am having, to my surprise, the cover of of the dive show issue of "Duikmagazine" this year. "Duikmagazine" is the best diving magazine here in the Netherlands. The content is entirely created by Dutch and Belgian photographers and writers. The nice thing is that this is my sixth dive show cover of "Duikmagazine" in a row and my 35th cover in total.
MicroEngine for studio time lapse photography
Ok, I promised some hardware projects that I would publish on my blog. This is certainly photography related, but a bit technical for most of you I guess. The first piece of hardware is my studio time lapse photography engine. More projects will follow, but not all of them will be open source, open hardware like the MicroEngine. The software that I have written for the device is open source under the GPL license.
I was on a list of best underwater photographers
The Ukranian magazine "Photographer" published a special issue of their magazine with portfolio's of the worlds best underwater photographers. I am very proud to be in that magazine too. You can find more information about this issue of Photographer on their website. The complete list of featured photographers is:
It's Natures Playground again
I was very surprised to receive the Natures Playground Annual 2010 lately. I featured several articles that I have made the last few year. I had been in contact with the magazine some time ago, but I had complete forgotten that. That's not so strange since I became a father and I introduced my new site http://www.earthillustrated.com last year.
www.EarthIllustrated.com, de nieuwe site voor natuurliefhebbers
Vandaag was het eindelijk zover. Ik heb eindelijk mijn nieuwe website http://www.earthIllustrated.com online gezet. Deze site is in samenwerking met duikbladen zoals Duikmagazine, Neptune en Ocean Geographic opgezet. De site richt zich op reis- en natuurliefhebbers.Wij zijn op dit moment op zoek naar mensen die mee willen werken aan deze nieuwe website. Heb je een goed verhaal met goede foto's? Heb je andere verhalen die je met ons wilt delen?
1e Prijzen bij de NVN Natuurfotograaf van het jaar wedstrijd
Vandaag is de prijsuitreiking geweest van de NVN Natuurfotograaf van het jaar wedstrijd. Er waren prijzen te verdelen over 8 categorieën. Van één categorie heeft de jury besloten om geen prijzen uit te reiken. Dat was omdat het niveau van de in deze categorie ingestuurde foto's niet hoog genoeg was.
De unieke Video Viewfinder voor onderwaterfotografie
Elysia Productions presenteert hierbij met grote trots een nieuw zoeker systeem dat op bijna ieder spiegelreflex onderwaterhuis geplaatst kan worden. Het systeem is inmiddels gebruikt in Rusland en de Bahames en het werkt! We gaan dit jaar weer op reis en zullen het systeem zeker gaan inzetten om gevaarlijke dieren gemakkelijker voor de lens te krijgen. Het idee voor een dergelijk systeem is in het verleden toegepast door fotografen zoals Doug Perrine.
Onze stand op de Duikvaker
Elysia Productions is dit jaar voor het eerst met een eigen stand aanwezig op de Duikvaker. Het bouwen van deze stand heeft veel meer tijd en moeite gekost dan gepland, maar het resultaat mag er zijn. We zijn er trots op. Dit hadden we niet kunnen doen zonder hulp van onze familie; heel erg bedankt daarvoor. Kijk dan ook niet raar op als je mensen met een Elysia Proctions STAFF shirt ziet rondlopen! Wij willen iedereen uitnodigen om even langs te komen tijdens de Duikvaker. Wij zullen ook dit jaar onze printer weer meenemen.
It's cover time again. Thirtyone in total.
I just received an image of the most recent cover of Duikmagazine, which is the best diving magazine here in the Netherlands. This great magazine is mainly made by Dutch journalists and it's not a translated magazine from abroad. My picture of a Beluga is featuring on the cover, this is my 30th cover. The current issue is featuring my latest, eleven page, story about the White Sea. We have been diving in the White Sea last September during the White Sea underwater photography cup. Diving in the White Sea was a dream come true. I believe Russia has a lot to offer to divers.
I got the cover of SvbAQVA
The last time when I returned from a dive trip I found a copy of a foreign dive magazine on my door mat with one of my images on the cover. I just returned from another trip and I had the same surprise again. This time its the Italian magazine SvbAQVA that used one of my Gruener See images for their cover. I knew that they were publishing that story in the August issue, but the cover was a very nice surprise. This is the second article that I have published in this beautifull magazine this year after my Antarctica story.
Tasmania in Neptune magazine
I just returned from a 4 week trip where I have been working on a few nice projects. There was a nice surprise on my door mat. It was the current issue of Neptune dive magazine that is published in Russia. Neptune is a very nicely printed magazine with which I have been working for over four years now. This issue holds my article about Tasmania, a story that I did in the summer of 2007. It was a big surprise that the magazine cover was also with images from Tasmania. The cover holds a composite of three images that have been taken in Eagle Hawk Neck in the south of Tasmania.
Two out of three possible magazine covers
We have three diving magazines here in the Netherlands and I like to work with two of them. I was amazed when I found the magazines on my doormat. I had the cover on both Duikmagazine and Onderwatersport. The Duikmagazine features an article about our latest trip to Saudi Arabia. It's a different view on the Red Sea; most people visit Egypt when they dive the Red Sea. We even found an undiscovered wreck during that trip. The corals are untouched and in very good condition. We found enormous seafans during our dives. Or conclusion is that Saudi Arabia is great to dive.
How to put an Adobe Lightroom catalog on a network share
I previously wrote a post on my blog, sorry it's in Dutch, about my first Windows Vista encounters. Vista is a disgrace. To me Vista clearly shows that Microsoft does not think about stability and usability at all. Windows is a technical environment. Microsoft does not know what users need. I am working in the IT business for over 12 year now. I have spent way too much time behind Windows in my life.