Today is Humboldt Squid day. I just got a copy of "Duikmagazine", the best diving magazine that we have here in the Netherlands. The magazine features an eight page story about Humboldt Squids that I made last September. That trip brought us far into the Sea of Cortez. I was on a live aboard expedition with the goal to find these enormous Red Giants. It took a lot of time before we finally found the animals, but at least we found them. Duikmagazine has used one of my Humboldt Squid images for the cover.
Ga mee met Andre Crone op een Zeilvissen expeditie - de BBC achterna
Andre Crone - Elysia Productions zal in 2012, in navolging van de succesvolle reis in 2011, een exclusieve expeditie leiden in Mexico. Het doel van deze expeditie is het fotograferen van Zeilvissen. Zeilvissen zijn de snelste vissen ter wereld en hun jachtgedrag is spectaculair te noemen. Het afgelopen jaar was de reis zo'n succes dat we besloten hebben om in 2012 terug te keren. Er zijn maar heel weinig mensen die dit fenomeen met eigen ogen hebben gezien omdat dit pas 5 a 6 jaar gedaan wordt.
Exclusive 2012 Sardine Run Photo Expedition by André Crone - Elysia Productions
André Crone together with African Watersports will organize a photography trip to South Africa for the Sardine Run next year. This trip is planned from 5-11 July 2012. The Sardine Run is the most impressive showcase of natural predation in the world. Vast schools of Sardines are swept along the eastern coast of South Africa by an enormous body of cold water. These Sardines attract Dolphins, Humpback Whales, Brydes Whales, birds and many different kinds of sharks that all predate on the Sardines.